Servant Officer Gallery (3)

"Several officers on the motor squad received a call one night about a juvenile pedestrian on the freeway. After a long search, Officer Pierman was able to locate the juvenile and gently approached him. He quickly found out that he was an at risk youth and was considered a missing person. The young juvenile was then safely transported off the freeway and was immediately taken to Child Protective Services."

"Officer Engelbert and Officer Collazo were part of a team who immediately stopped the shooter of a school shooting upon arrival. The shooter unfortunately shot and killed 3 innocent children and 3 innocent staff members of the school before they were notified, but these officers and their team acted quickly in response to the call and were able to prevent the shooter from killing even more innocent lives. This group set the standard for how school shootings should be handled."

"Officer Charles Lamb responded to a call where an out-of-state couple was involved in a crash on the highway. The couple was informed that they would not be able to get another rental car for 2 days, so Officer Lamb took them to his house and allowed them to borrow his truck until they could get another rental."

"Officer Ryan Antonson was on patrol when he was approached by a man that was bleeding profusely from his leg. The man had a large, deep cut that he accidentally caused from his car door. And to make matters worse, he was on blood thinner medication. Officer Antonson immediately called for EMS and acted as quickly as he could to apply pressure as well as a bandage to the wound, but it was not helping. Officer Antonson had no choice but to apply a tourniquet to the man's leg, which thankfully stopped the bleeding. EMS arrived soon after and they were able to quickly transport the man to the hospital."

"Deputy Pittman was waiting to interview a suspect when he noticed a woman working hard in her yard nearby. He got out of his patrol car and went over to offer some help if she needed it. He ended up digging some holes in her yard and helping her plant some bulbs."

"Officer William "Chip" Kain was on shift one day when he was approached by a man asking him for directions to a nearby hotel. The man had just been released from prison and was trying to get to his transitional accommodation. Witnessing the fact that this man was lost and needing some help, Officer Kain ended up giving the man a ride to the hotel and chatted with him about his future plans on the way."

"Officer Aaron Williams was only a few months on the job when he responded to a call about a house fire. A 91 year old woman was bedridden inside the home and her 70 year old son was inside with her. They were both trapped and could not get out. Officer Williams did not have any protective gear or a mask, but he went in and out of the house anyways to ensure he got both of them out."

"Officer Molly Plante was the first to arrive on scene of a reported house explosion. She was immediately flagged over by two neighbors who were trying to lift a piece of the roof off of a victim who was calling for help. There was a fire within a few feet of where they were assisting the victim and a second explosion occurred. Amongst intense heat and a live electrical wire sparking under their feet, they were finally able to remove the debris and free the victim. Right after freeing the victim, the fire was getting more intense, so Officer Plante lifted the victim onto her shoulder and ran the victim as fast as she could to the back of her police car. Almost immediately after getting the victim out of harm's way, another explosion occurred which ended up engulfing the entire house in flames. Fire/EMS arrived and quickly performed medical aid on the victim (who had series injuries from the explosion)."

"Officer Peter Sutera has been named the National School Resource Officer of the Year. He has worked as an elementary school and middle school resource officer for the past seven years and has also served as the handler for Ace (seen above), the Gloucester PD's comfort dog who accompanies Officer Sutera to many school events. Officer Sutera is also a member of the Community Impact Unit and is one of the founding members of the SRO_Gaming Program where police officers meet with students online to play video games with them. He is also a founder of the Youth Anglers program where police officers take students fishing. Officer Sutera says, "My main goal is to have kids not look at me as a police officer they'd see on the street. I work more toward connections and the relationship building. I work hard to try and bridge the gap to make kids feel comfortable enough to approach me not only as a police officer but as a friend."

"Officer Phil Lane responded to a call in a condominium complex to help an elderly resident who was having "problems with her phone." Even though this is not a typical call for police, Officer Lane was willing to help. When Officer Lane arrived, he quickly realized that the elderly lady was showing signs of dementia and she unfortunately had no family or anyone to help her in her time of need. As Officer Lane tried to figure out her phone issue, he found out that her phone had been turned off due to her bank account being scammed and her funds being drained. So Officer Lane drove the resident to the bank and was able to work with them as well as the phone company to restore her phone service. Not only did Officer Lane help with her phone issue, he has regularly been visiting her ever since to make sure she is okay. He also coordinated with the St. Louis County Older Residents Program to get a case worker assigned to help her, as well. During one of his visits, Officer Lane found the resident on the floor, unable to stand. He arranged for paramedics to respond and they were able to get her to the hospital. If Officer Lane had not kept visiting her, she could have easily been on the floor for days. So he took it upon himself to work with the resident's physicians at the hospital to help facilitate in-home care for her."

"Officer Frizzell was on duty one night and walked into a gas station to use their restroom. A man was asking the woman at the register if they had a gas can that he could borrow since his car had broken down less than a mile away. The woman said she didn't have one he could borrow, but he could purchase one for $15.95. The man said he only had $15, so she suggested he ask Officer Frizzell if there was something he could do to help. Without hesitation, Officer Frizzell pulled $20 out of his wallet and handed it to the man saying he didn't have a gas can, but hoped the $20 would help. The man stood there in disbelief and then embraced Officer Frizzell with a hug."

"Ricky has been Chief of Police at the Flowood Police Department (Mississippi) since 2018 and has served within law enforcement for over 30 years. Unfortunately, Ricky has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and has been working with his doctors to find the appropriate treatment plan. Ricky is a true Servant Officer who despite his illness has continued to show leadership to his department by making sure they have the needed training and leadership development to help push their agency to the next level. He embodies all that a Servant Officer is and should be by putting others before himself - even when he shouldn't be. He is one of those rare people who inspires everyone he meets. His enthusiasm and commitment to law enforcement is an inspiration and he truly cares about everyone around him. Ricky wants the best not only for his department, but for his people, his community, and law enforcement as a whole. Fellow law enforcement personnel describe Ricky as "a friend to all". He is a true servant of the people and could really use some encouragement right now. So with that being said, we are asking all of you who read this to send Ricky a card or a simple note to help him get through this trying time.
Flowood Police Department
2101 Airport Rd B
Flowood, MS 39232
Thank you in advance! Ricky has been a true supporter of leadership within law enforcement, so let's come together and do all we can to support him during this time."

"Officer Petit-Maitre responded to a larceny call at a nearby hotel where a man's belongings had been stolen while he was using an Uber. He had reserved a round trip in the Uber app where his ride picked him up from the bus terminal, dropped him off at the hotel and was supposed to pick him up from the hotel later on, but the car did not wait for him and was gone. The car had the man's belongings in it still, so he did not have his wallet, passport, or credit cards. Officer Petit-Maitre called Uber for assistance, but they were of no help. Officer Petit-Maitre was informed by the man that he had no money and knew no one in the area, so he worked with the hotel to secure a room for the night for him to stay in and also promised him that he would make sure he had breakfast in the morning."

"Officer Wallace was patrolling the streets early in the morning and witnessed a Jeep that ran a red light, so she proceeded to pull them over. As she was approaching the vehicle, she noticed a female driver and a male passenger, but while she was speaking with them, she noticed that the driver seemed extremely distressed. While the male passenger was distracted, the female driver mouthed to Officer Wallace, "help me", multiple times. Officer Wallace proceeded to ask the male passenger to exit the vehicle and placed him in the back of her patrol car. With the male passenger being away from the driver, Officer Wallace walked back over to the female driver inside the Jeep and she informed Officer Wallace that the passenger had just shot someone. Right about that time, a message was sent over the radio from dispatch that the vehicle Officer Wallace pulled over was involved in a shooting. During the search of the vehicle, an unlawfully carried pistol was found underneath the suspect's seat. A normal traffic stop ended up resulting in a wanted suspect's arrest, thanks to Officer Wallace and her attention to detail."

"Officer Williams and Officer Koszarek both responded to a call at an apartment complex where someone had fallen and due to personal reasons could not get up without help. Upon arriving, both officers noticed that this person had just recently moved into the apartment and did not have any furnishings - including a bed. So Officer Williams and Officer Koszarek met with the apartment complex staff and sought out vacant apartments that might have some furniture available. After searching many different apartments, they were able to collect a bed frame, mattress, and box spring from an abandoned apartment and carried it to this person's apartment and set it up for them. They also contacted a local human services organization to see if they could provide continued assistance for this person to help them get back on their feet."

"Officer Josh Whaley was one of the officers to work the case of a fatal car accident where the submitter wrote this about his service: "My daughter, McKinleigh, was traveling from Tennessee to Washington to work a summer job when she lost control of the car and was killed at the age of 21 in Big Timber, MT. My husband and I spoke with Josh several times prior to us traveling to Montana to retrieve McKinleigh's belongings and remains. Prior to our arrival, Josh went back to the scene and searched the vehicle for items we mentioned that were important to us. Additionally, Josh emptied the vehicle of salvageable belongings to assist with us not having to see the car. However, McKinleigh's cell phone was not located despite all of Josh's efforts. Once we arrived in Montana, McKinleigh's last location on her phone took us to the location the car was being stored. Josh went with us to the vehicle and spent almost an hour searching and taking apart parts of the vehicle until he located her phone. Josh was so kind and went so above and beyond any expectations to help us during [this] extremely difficult time.""

"A student in the special education department had been getting harassed while walking home from school. One day, not only did he get beat up, but he also had his Jordan's stolen and had to walk home barefoot. They were his dad's Jordan's that he had asked his permission to wear, so he was scared to tell his parents what had happened. A few days later, the same bullies were harassing him again and he ran from them and called the Antioch Police Department. Officer King picked up the young boy and brought him home. After hearing about this on-going situation and the fact that he had his Jordan's stolen, Officer King and Officer Kawalya stopped by his house later on with a brand new pair of Jordan's."

In the words of the submitter: "I am experiencing a pinched nerve in my L4 lumbar and it is painful and difficult to walk! This started over two weeks ago right at the end of the semester! Needless to say, I was panicked! I cannot miss my classes! Who can help me? Where could I get a wheelchair? How could I possibly wheel myself from the parking lot o a building then down a long hall? Enter Clayton. When I called Georgia Highlands College Campus Police to see if there was a wheelchair I might borrow and explained the situation, here is what transpired: Without taking a breath, they said, "Yes, we have a wheelchair, yes you can use it, but we will come to your car and get you and wheel you to class and come back after class and take you to your car. Don't worry. We got you. Call us when you get here." Can you imagine my relief? The stress and worry of finishing the semester lifted. Clayton showed up each time and wheeled me to class. I was able to sit and conduct class and finish the semester. What a blessing. I hope [Officer Buckner] receives well deserved kudos and recognition of his service."

"Officer Lipari was nominated with 4 different stories:
1) Officer Lipari responded to a call where someone was experiencing a mental health crisis. Mobile crisis counselors were on the phone with this person for 3 hours while Officer Lipari stood by. Officer Lipari moved him to a less crowded location and even used his own money to buy him some food to help calm him down. There were several times this person could have been arrested for disorderly conduct, but Officer Lipari was able to keep this person calm and got him in touch with Mental Health Services before the situation got any worse.
2) Officer Lipari was assisting with a medical call that involved a patient who was found unconscious and unresponsive in a vehicle behind a shopping center. Upon arrival, he immediately took over securing the area and assisted with CPR. Not only did he help this person, but he also made contact with the family and made sure they were able to pick up the vehicle from the tow lot as well as the patient's belongings that were secured. The patient survived and was later released from the hospital.
3) As a School Resource Officer, a student had been hit by a car while riding home one day, which left the bicycle extremely damaged - thankfully the student was okay. But Officer Lipari used his own money to purchase a brand new bicycle for the child.
4) A student at another school Officer Lipari was serving at loved the sights and sounds of his duty belt, so Officer Lipari used his own money to purchase the student his own set of walkie talkies, which immediately brought a smile to this child's face."

Officer James Hollis was at a restaurant when a customer started choking and lost consciousness. Officer Hollis immediately ran over and performed the Heimlich maneuver, which cleared the woman's blocked airway and she was able to regain consciousness within a few minutes. The family of the customer was extremely grateful for Officer Hollis and his quick action stating that, "he never hesitated and it seemed as though it was second nature to him". They even said his calm demeanor throughout the entire event helped everyone involved to stay calm. Officer Hollis was later awarded with the Lifesaving Award for his heroic act in saving someone's life.

Sheriff Michelle Cook was visiting a local business when she noticed a man acting irrationally while he was standing in line at a convenience store. He had a large machete in his hand and was frantically waving it around. Sheriff Cook immediately disarmed him and placed him in handcuffs. The man was apparently trying to sell air fresheners for 25 cents and even told the other deputies that he didn't know where he was. He was immediately transported to a medical facility for treatment.

A citizen shared this story: "After taking my son to school, I did something I haven't done in a decade or so; I hit a curb turning into the gas station. Not only did [these officers] treat with me with kindness and grace as they changed my tire, but after noticing that 2 of the lug nuts were loose, they checked my other 3 tires and found one of them to have a loose lug nut, as well. They went above and beyond to ensure my safety. Lebanon PD is yet another reason I am so thankful to call Lebanon my home."

Officer Pullen is the SRO at Stanley Middle School. One day during lunch, a staff member escorted a student over to him and Officer Mullen realized the student was choking and unable to breathe. Officer Pullen immediately started doing the Heimlich maneuver and on the third try the food that was stuck in the student's throat had been dislodged and the student was able to breathe again. Officer Pullen walked the student to his office away from the scene to make sure he was alright. Officer Pullen then called the student's father to let him know what happened and allowed the student to speak with him. Here is a message from the student's father about the incident: "Kaleb and I are able to laugh and joke about the situation now, but without the knowledge, training, and quick response of Officer Mullen, this could have had a much more tragic ending. I'm sure that Kaleb and Officer Pullen will have a special bond the rest of the school year. As for me and the rest of the family, we are forever grateful to Officer Pullen for saving Kaleb's life."

"Officer Creel noticed a high school student not riding his bicycle to school every day like he normally does, so she took it upon herself to get one for him and presented him with a brand new bike after school one day (the bike was actually donated by Walmart when they heard about the situation). Officer Creel later found out that the bike had been stolen."