Servant Officer Gallery (6)



"A road patrol unit traveling eastbound observed a vehicle traveling westbound that was turning right and began to veer off the road. The vehicle then drove over the sidewalk and into a retention pond. The vehicle was quickly being submerged in the water with a 93 year old woman who was trapped inside. Officer Fisher arrived just moments later and immediately dove into the water trying to rescue the 93 year old. He swam about 60 feet down when he finally made contact. He, along with a firefighter who dove into the pond, as well, were able to secure the woman and pull her safely to land. The woman was then transported to a local hospital for further treatment and the vehicle was removed from the pond and towed away."




"While off duty, Officer Williams was at a bus stop when he noticed a middle-aged man attempting to abduct an 11 year old girl. Without hesitation, he immediately intervened and stopped the man. Officer Williams then held the suspect until law enforcement arrived. The submission says, "Despite this incident occurring in [another] county and the personal peril he faced, Officer Williams acted with a heart full of compassion and valor, demonstrating the finest qualities of service and dedication to the safety of his community reflecting the very best of our Orange County team and family." The suspect ended up admitting to trying to kidnap the girl and that he also inappropriately touched her. He was charged with attempted kidnapping, lewd molestation, and resisting arrest without violence."



"While on duty one day, Officer Meehan noticed a young girl selling bracelets in her neighborhood. Instead of just passing on by, he actually took the time to stop and talk with her and find out what she was selling bracelets for; he also purchased one of them from her. After being moved by the little girl's efforts, he wanted to do something special, so he escorted her and some of her friends to a local store and treated them all to a variety of goodies of their choice."




"While he was off-duty, Officer Crowley was at home when he heard an explosion next door. His 82 year-old neighbor was welding in his garage when a fire ignited; his oxygen tank had blown up and his garage had gone up in flames. Officer Crowley immediately ran over to pull him out of his garage and ultimately saved his life."



From the submitter:

"I was hacked by a "friend" of mine for 2 years; he ended up breaking into my truck and stole my computer bag with my laptop, iPad, and paperwork with all of my new email accounts and passwords. After calling the Titusville PD, I made a huge mistake and drove to the house where my iPad was pinging, walked in (while he was on my laptop) and we got into a fight; I was charged for the first time in my life with a felony 1 (PBL). I got 2 years of community service and was homeless since he took all of my inheritance, destroyed my truck, and hacked all of my bank accounts. Officer Jablonsky gave me a ride to Titusville PD to get my devices back that had been destroyed while I was in jail. He listened to my story and asked what my previous job was. I mentioned that it was CAD Design and he showed me a website with affordable PC's and asked if a laptop would help me get a job. I emphatically said, "Yes!", but I had zero money. A month later, Officer Jablonsky called to let me know he had procured a Dell laptop for me. I was astounded and truly thankful. I took the bus to meet him and he asked me how things were going and asked me to keep him informed of my progress. I have an interview today for a CAD position with my old employer and an interview at a local company for a management position. Two incredible job opportunities in one day due to the kindness, compassion, and follow up from not only one of the most incredible police officers I've ever met, but one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met! All of Titusville is extremely blessed to have Officer Jablonsky at their service and securing their community. I can't overstate the kind of compassion and care Officer Jablonsky has for his community and just people in general. Thank you, Officer Jablonsky! You changed my life and I can NEVER thank you enough!"