Servant Officer Gallery (5)



"Officer Christopher Williams was on his way to work in his personal vehicle when he came upon a State Trooper being fired at while inside his patrol car during a traffic stop. The suspect fled and Officer Williams stopped to check on the trooper who had been shot in the shoulder. He ended up staying with him until he was safely transported to the nearby hospital."



"Officer Jeremy Smith was dispatched to a residence regarding a medical alarm activation. The resident was a 98 year old woman who had fallen in her home and could not get up. Upon arrival, Officer Smith discovered that all of her doors were locked and there was no easy access into her home. So he found a window that was unlocked and was able to get in the house that way to let the rescue personnel in to render medical aid to the victim. After speaking with the woman, Officer Smith learned that she lived alone and had no immediate family in the area that could assist her. With that information, Officer Smith knew that there were more than likely going to be more calls for service to her house, so he requested permission from her to install a lock box on her property with a set of spare. keys that can be used by first responders in case of an emergency. With her permission, he purchased a lock box and a spare set of keys with his own money and installed it for her the next day."



"Back in 2018, Officer Brian Zach responded to a call at a residence where Kaila (the little girl in the photo) had been badly abused. Officer Zach spent the rest of the night bonding with her coloring and eating snacks. "She held my hand and she was just this cute little thing," Brian said. Little Kaila had been taken to the hospital and was being treated for multiple injuries from the abuse and criminal charges were filed against her caretakers. Officer Zach is already a father of two children and said he told his wife when he got home after spending time with Kaila that he wanted her to come live with them. Child Protective Services were unable to find immediate placement for Kaila, so Officer Zach and his wife took her in. Brian stated that, "We lived each week not knowing if she was going to go back to her biological parents or how long we were going to keep her. Our goal was to love and care for this little girl for as long as it happened." 30 months later, they were able to officially adopt her."



"Three year old, Wesley, and his family were out eating breakfast when he noticed Officer Bentz in her patrol car. Officer Bentz let Wesley play in her vehicle and even let him honk the horn, which totally made his day! She also gave him a sticker and a teddy bear for making her day."



"One evening, information was received about someone's bike being stolen. The bike belonged to Shamus Dougherty, who is well known in the community for riding his bicycle around town for most of his life. Officer Dustin Widener immediately stepped up and said that he was going to find the stolen bike. He spoke to members within the homeless community offering a reward (out of his own pocket) to anyone who could find the bike. A few days later, Officer Widener received a call from one of the men he offered a reward to who had found and recovered the stolen bike. Officer Widener was off-duty when he got the call, but took the time to retrieve the bicycle and return it to its rightful owner."



"Officers Garrett Nelson (far left) and Guy Furtado (far right) were enjoying time off on the slopes at Okemo Mountain Resort. The group they were with were heading back to the ski lodge and they wanted to take one more run down the slopes. As they were on their way down, they heard 45 year old, William Polzun Jr., screaming for help; his 20 year old son, Nathan, had collapsed. Officers Nelson and Furtado quickly made their way over to see what was going on. Nathan was unresponsive with no pulse, so Officer Nelson immediately called 911 and Officer Furtado started doing CPR on Nathan to try to revive him.The four of them were recently reunited at the Fall River Police Department and William stated that his son is "only alive today because of the quick action of these two superheroes". As he was telling the story of what had happened, William said that he panicked when his son fell to the ground and he heard a calm voice say, "I'll do the compressions and hold his head while you do the breaths", as Officer Furtado walked him through administering rescue breaths and Officer Nelson was providing key details to the responding ski patrol. Nathan is on the road to recovery and they all hope to share the slopes again next year once Nathan receives medical clearance."



"Officer Guadalupe responded to a call about a vehicle that was stranded due to it being out of gas. When he arrived and started speaking with the woman who called, he learned that she was escaping her residence due to a domestic battery situation and was on her way to a women's shelter. She also had her 8 and 10 year old children with her. Officer Guadalupe filled the woman's car up with gas and gave her some of his own money to make sure she and her children could also get something to eat."




"Officer Smith responded to a call about an elderly man who was evicted from a nursing home and could not be placed in another nursing home for 3 days. The man was at home with no food or basic toiletry items, so Officer Smith went out and purchased food and some necessity items for him as well as made multiple trips to his home throughout the weekend to check on him. The Sheriff's Office offered to reimburse Officer Smith for what he purchased for the man, but he refused."




"On a cold night in Maine, Officer McNally came across an elderly woman at a gas station who was low on gas but had mistakenly left her purse at home, so she had no money and not enough gas to get home. Officer McNally paid for her gas with his own money so she could get home safely."




"Officer Michael Cobb began his law enforcement career in Dekalb County, Georgia where he was a patrol officer, field training officer, community meetings liaison officer, and a part of the Mobile Crisis Mental Health Team. He then became a School Resource Officer (SRO) with the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department in North Carolina. He is now a patrol officer for the San Bernardino City Unified School District Police Department in California and has started a program helping students understand the importance of mental health awareness and communication skills. Officer Cobb also feeds the homeless community once a month. Officer Cobb says he was inspired to become a police officer because, "... it was a way that I could help people from all walks of life." He said he vowed to be a positive figure in people's lives."




"JP Harvey is a lieutenant at Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (Florida) and has been there for 18 years - 5 of those years as the Commander of the K9 unit. He recently made it his mission to have a statue made to reside outside of their facility in honor and recognition of the effort and commitment that K9 handlers and their K9s put in every single day. JP stated, "When other deputies go home, they can unplug. K9 handlers need to continuously train their K9 partners and tend to them. It becomes a lifestyle. Not many people truly understand the amount of commitment and time that gets put into it, even on their days off." The purpose of the statue and the meaning behind it says it all; JP said, "It serves as a symbolic gesture, greeting them when they return to the facility and looking over their shoulder when they leave."



"Officer Cappetta was responding to a welfare check call at a woman's house. When he checked on her, he learned that she was upset because her sons had neglected to contact her on Mother's Day. She shared with Officer Cappetta that she lived alone and was suffering from cancer. Officer Cappetta took it upon himself to buy a Mother's Day card and some chocolate for her to brighten her day. He asked the entire shift and dispatch personnel to sign the card and then returned to her house with another officer to present her with it. It was evident that she greatly appreciated the kind gesture and that it meant a lot to her."




"Officer Dorfman learned that a parent at the school he is assigned to was trying to obtain school bus information because she was having to use two public buses to get her kids to and from school. Officer Dorfman spoke with the parent to ask about her situation since it was odd for a parent to just now ask about school bus information in the middle of the school year. He quickly found out that the parent's vehicle had been damaged for three months and she could not afford to fix it as a single mom. She also informed him that her property manager told her she had to remove the stranded vehicle, so she was going to have to get rid of it. Officer Dorfman took it upon himself to contact a local organization called, "Wheels from the Heart", and through a personal connection, he was able to help the single mom repair her vehicle."



"Officer Whitty has organized an annual "Fill a Cruiser" food drive for several years. Through his leadership at the Newburyport Police Department, they have been able to help fill the shelves at a local food pantry for the winter. He was recently honored by the Salvation Army for his work in organizing this drive. Officer Whitty is never one to seek the spotlight, so he was quick to thank the department and community for making the food drive such a success."



"Officer Gabriel Cox responded to a call involving a 78 year old man who had no where to live and was homeless. Officer Cox started talking with him and found out that he is a military veteran, so Officer Cox started searching for assistance options for him. Officer Cox eventually came upon an organization called, Goodman Jewish Family Services, and spoke with someone there who said they could help him. Due to his efforts and help from the Family Services, they were able to collaborate with The Department of Veteran Affairs and the homeless veteran is now in the process of being placed into an assisted living facility."




"Officer Portrait encountered a young woman at a local market who was experiencing a mental health crisis. Not only did Officer Portrait provide immediate assistance, but he also purchased flowers for the young woman as a gesture of kindness to brighten her spirits. The next day, the young woman's healthcare provider reached out to the Chelsea Police Department to express their gratitude and to also inform them of the tremendous impact that his kindness had on the young woman's well-being. The Chelsea Police Department said, "It's moments like these that remind us of the power of empathy and the positive difference we can make in our community."




"Since becoming Chief of Police for the Republic Police Department, Chief Sells has made mental health a priority for not only their citizens, but for his staff, as well. He has increased the number of CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) police officers to help citizens and has also been building partnerships with local mental health facilities. He built an internal Peer Support program for his staff, as well, and is a huge advocate for the EAP program where many of his staff have improved their lives."



"Officer Wenberg responded to the report of an issue over a VRBO reservation in Cape Cod, which is extremely busy during the summer months and can easily see as many as 70k visitors on a holiday weekend. The report said that a group had reserved a suite at a local resort, but there was an issue on the resort side and they would not honor it. The family was from Pennsylvania and it was going to be the last vacation for them all together due to one of the family members being gravely ill. Officer Wenberg went above and beyond in helping them find somewhere to stay for their trip. She called multiple local hotels and was able to make arrangements at the Irish village for the night and to further assist them in staying for the remainder of the week."



"While on patrol, Officer Korchak noticed a small child standing on the backseat floorboard of a vehicle instead of being safely secured in a carseat. He conducted a traffic stop and quickly learned that the family could not afford a carseat for their 4 year old, so instead of issuing a citation, Officer Korchak gave them a warning and reached out to the local Walmart to see if they would be able to help; the manager allowed the family to pick out a carseat free of charge. On a separate occasion, Officer Korchak was responding to a vehicle burglary from a 90 year old resident who believed that four cases of water had been stolen from her vehicle. Upon investigation, a burglary had actually never occurred and she actually forgot them at the store. She told Officer Korchak that she could not afford to buy anymore cases of water and that it was also her 90th birthday. Officer Korchak retrieved two cases of water from the PD and purchased a small birthday cake and candles to bring back with him. The Fire Department joined him as he went to present her with the water and cake and they all sang "Happy Birthday" to her as she blew out the candles. She said they had made her day."




"While on patrol one day, Officer Tidwell noticed two boys in the back of a car without car seats. When he asked the driver after pulling her over why they did not have car seats, she informed him that they were her foster sons who she had just been given the night before. She also showed him her paperwork and explained that all they had were the clothes they were wearing. He asked for the driver's phone number and he and his wife later met up with her to present the boys with some gifts. The driver later said, "I cannot thank him enough for the kindness he has shown these boys. I never asked him for anything. He and his wife acted out of the kindness of their hearts." She went on to say, "He showed these boys that there are nice cops out there and I hope he has left a lasting impression on them that cops are good. The boys have been telling everyone that 'cops are nice'. He has made their day.""




"While driving, Officer Hottel was flagged down by an adult female and was told that a male subject had been shot as she pointed to where he was lying on the ground. When Officer Hottel got near him, he saw an adult male lying in a puddle of blood and quickly began to assess him for injuries. Officer Hottel was trying to get the male to answers some questions for him, but he was not responsive. He observed a gunshot wound on the male's right bicep and began to provide first aid to the wound using a tourniquet. Officer Hottel immediately requested medical aid and maintained control of the scene until the medical aid services arrived. The submitter said, "Although Officer Hottel was faced with a stressful situation of being the first officer on scene of a shooting that had just occurred, he maintained his baring and performed his duties exceptionally. He placed his safety on the line during an active, unknown, and possibly dangerous situation." The male victim was transported to a local hospital and it was confirmed that the tourniquet ultimately saved his life and kept him alive until he was able to receive medical attention."



"Officer Coker was one of the officers who responded to a call at a local church on account of an unexpected childbirth. The caller was a woman who was five months pregnant that had given birth in the church's bathroom. When Officer Coker entered the bathroom, the woman was in shock as she was holding the baby who was not breathing. Officer Coker immediately directed Fire Rescue to his location and started doing CPR on the newborn. Officer Coker maintained CPR efforts until Fire Rescue arrived. Both the mother and the newborn were taken to the hospital with the newborn in critical condition, but thanks to Officer Coker's efforts, the newborn was stabilized and is now thriving in the NICU."




"One Sunday evening, two out-of-state families were involved in a terrible car crash. One family was in more critical condition and had to be airlifted. The other family was transported to a local medical facility. When First Responders arrived on the scene, they found one person who had been ejected and the others had to be extracted. One of the families was from Florida and were on their way back home from an event. Officer Dukes overheard the father asking about the possibility of them renting a vehicle, but they found it near impossible to find one. So Officer Dukes called his wife and had her bring his own personal truck down to the site for the family to use as needed."



"Officer Pereira was dispatched to the address of a single mother who needed assistance and had no one else to call. Once he arrived, Officer Pereira noticed that the mother had a seven week old baby and she was running dangerously low on baby formula but had no money to purchase any more. The only food items in the house were a pack of chicken nuggets and a bag of potatoes. Officer Pereira went to the store and purchased a supply of formula for the child with his own money. He also contacted a local organization to help the single mother and her child with more assistance going forward."

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