Being Confident Gains Confidence
Apr 19, 2023
As a leader, it is just as important to be confident in yourself as it is for those you lead to have confidence in you. But in order for others to have confidence in you, you must first be confident in yourself.
Those you lead will have confidence in you if you are confident in yourself, because it does these 3 things: it shows that you know where you are going, it creates a sense of calmness, and it gives a solid foundation for others to land on.
IT SHOWS: When you are confident as a leader, it shows that you know where you are going and that you have a plan for where you want everyone as well as the organization to go. It shows that you have clear direction on how to solve problems that arise, how to better areas in need of improvement, and how to guide the organization to where it needs to be.
IT CREATES: When you are confident as a leader, it creates a sense of calmness and lets everyone know that everything is going to be okay. If you panic, everyone panics - so being calm no matter what sets the stage for others to be calm, as well. As we all know, panic creates chaos, but being calm creates a more stable environment to better handle whatever circumstances you are facing.
IT GIVES: When you are confident as a leader, it gives a solid foundation for others to land on and allows them to feel confident not only in you, but in themselves, too. When one is confident in their boss as well as themselves, it makes it a lot easier for them to perform at their best. When you as the leader are confident, it gives those you lead the assurance they need to keep going.
Being confident in yourself can be hard - especially if you are uncertain of things and/or do not feel like you know the answers - but those you lead having confidence in you for being confident nonetheless is vital if you want to have a goal-oriented, stable, and productive organization at all times. When you are confident, you are showing confidence, creating confidence, and giving confidence.
No one wants to follow a leader who is not confident in themselves, so be confident in yourself and your ability to lead. When you are confident in yourself, it will naturally develop confidence from those you lead and will then improve the organization overall.
- Dean
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