Destress from Your Distress
Nov 08, 2023
"Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice." - Zig Ziglar
We've all been there; a never-ending to-do list, an overflow of negative circumstances, and our emotions getting the best of us. It is in those moments when we should be making the decision to take a step back and regain control.
It is so easy to get caught up in the chaos going on around us and inside our heads, but it is extremely important (especially as leaders) to make sure we are staying on top of things and maintaining control instead of letting it slip out from under us.
We all get discouraged, overwhelmed, and stressed - that is a given, but how we handle it is a choice.
The best way to handle moments of distress is by following the steps below:
STEP 1: Hit the Pause Button.
Stop whatever it is that you are doing and take a break. When there is so much to do and/or so much going on, we tend to let our brains and our emotions take over. It is very important to make sure you are hitting that pause button to make sure you stay in control and have a clear head before you move on.
STEP 2: Focus on Your Priorities.
Out of everything that needs to be done, there is always something or a few things that are either more important or more urgent than the others. Make sure you are using your time wisely in getting the priority tasks done first and then the rest will follow.
STEP 3: Do Not Rush.
Part of the reason why we get so overwhelmed is by rushing through things. The faster our brains are working, the faster we are going to get burnt out. We must be mindful of deadlines, of course, but going back to Step 2 - focus on what needs to get done first and go from there.
STEP 4: Give Yourself Some Grace.
You are doing the best you can. Do not let your mind trick you into thinking you are not doing enough or that something is never going to get done. If you are overwhelmed as it is, that is only going to make things worse. You need to be your own cheerleader and remind yourself that it will all work out.
If you use these four steps whenever you start to feel distressed or overwhelmed, it will eventually become a habit to where you naturally learn how to handle stress and will not let it consume you like it has many times before. If I had used these steps throughout my career, it would have prevented many unnecessary circumstances.
Get ahead of your stress before it gets ahead of you. It will greatly benefit your mindset, your work ethic, and your leadership.
- Dean
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