Embrace Being Uncomfortable
Jun 12, 2024
Comfort zones. Why do we cling to them so hard and why is it so important to push yourself out of your comfort zone?
Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is going to be uncomfortable. That is a guarantee. But if you stay in your comfort zone, you are not only limiting your abilities and your gifts, but you are also limiting the different kinds of experiences and opportunities that you could have. How do you ask? By staying in your comfort zone, you will never see yourself past where you currently are.
Is there anything you want to accomplish life? Do you have any goals or aspirations? Well you will need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to get there.
No one ever says they “like” being out of their comfort zone. Being pushed out of your comfort zone can feel scary, nerve-wracking, and quite frankly, uncomfortable. But just like the saying, “no pain, no gain”, you have to go through the storm before you can witness the rainbow.
How are you going to know what you are fully capable of if you don’t test your limits? How are you going to know if you actually can accomplish something you have always hoped and dreamed of if you don’t give yourself and your abilities a chance?
Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is more than just facing the unknown, it’s about facing the unknown with caution, courage, and confidence.
Caution: Even though you are entering unknown territory, you must still be cautious of how you handle yourself and make sure you do not say yes to everything. Just because it feels uncomfortable does not mean you are where you need to be. You still need to have good judgement and make the right decision(s) accordingly.
Courage: Do not allow yourself to be so afraid that you freeze once you face something uncomfortable. Be cautious, yes, but look past your fear and embrace all the many possibilities ahead of you.
Confidence: If you do not have confidence in yourself, you are likely going to talk yourself into going back in your comfort zone. You must have confidence in your abilities and in your strengths to push you out of the stagnant place you've been in and into an ever-changing world of opportunities.
The good thing about being pushed out of your comfort zone is that even though you are going to feel uncomfortable at first, YOU get to pick where you go next and YOU get to decide on how you take what you learned through being uncomfortable and improve not only your leadership and your mindset but how you help others do the same.
We all have our own comfort zones and we all have to embrace being uncomfortable from time to time, so never feel like you are the only one having to endure it - we all must endure it if we want to grow and reach our highest potential.
- GUEST WRITER: Mekenzie Craig | Director of Operations for Dean Crisp's LHLN
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