How to Handle Change as a Leader
Aug 14, 2024
Nobody likes change. Change can often be unwanted, forced, and/or difficult to accept. So how can we better equip ourselves to handle change in a more productive manner as a leader?
Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you actually implement any change in your people and/or your organization:
1). Does the person and/or group who needs to change have the ability and the skills to change?
- Some people are more open to change than others. So you need to determine whether or not the person and/or group is even willing to make the change. If they are not, the next two questions will help you help them. If they are, the next two questions will help you in making the transition easier on everyone.
2). Do they have the resources they need in order to make the change?
- If you are asking someone to change, it is only fair to make sure they have what they need in order to make the change as easy as possible. Making sure they have the resources they need not only helps them in making the change, but it also gives them the ability to handle it on their own as opposed to relying on you every step of the way.
3). Do they have my support?
- Change is hard on everyone, but if they have your support before, during, and after the change, they are going to be much more willing to do what it takes. If they know you are there for them during the change, it gives them the reassurance they need in order to do what needs to be done.
Asking these simple questions and putting forth the effort to be better prepared for the change is not only going to reduce the amount of frustration for you and your employees, but it is also going to make the process of change a lot easier and much more doable for all involved.
Change can be hard, so don't make it harder on yourself. Ask the questions, prepare yourself and others, and make sure your people know that you are there for them during said change. It will make all the difference in not only the process itself, but also the overall outcome.
- Dean
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