Limitless Leadership
Apr 05, 2023
We all have our limits, right? There are certain things we don't do because we either don't want to waste our time or we are afraid we will fail at it. The lethargic attitude and fear of failing is where we can easily fall short as leaders. Our limits in a sense limit us from being the best we can possibly be. If we don't at least try to push past our limits, we will never know if that certain thing ends up being something we actually enjoy or even something we actually end up succeeding very well at.
As a leader, having limits of any kind will not only prevent you from growing, but it will also hold you back from your full potential. Just like I teach in class when I talk about mindset, you can either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset:
FIXED MINDSET: "I'm either good at something or I'm not".
Limits are seen as roadblocks or barriers we are not supposed to cross due to the belief that we are incapable of succeeding on the other side.
GROWTH MINDSET: "I can improve my skills with effort and practice."
Limits are seen as a challenge or a goal we are eager to overcome due to the belief that we are capable of achieving whatever we put our mind to.
Now take a look at yourself. Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset when it comes to your role as a leader?
If you have a growth mindset, then your leadership is limitless. Having limitless leadership means you will not let anything hinder you from growing and pushing yourself past your limits to be the best leader you can possibly be!
If you realized that you have more of a fixed mindset, don't worry. It is never too late to change your mindset from a fixed one to a growth one. All you have to do is open your mind up to seeing things from a different perspective and stay consistent with this new mindset. It's not going to be an easy change, but it will definitely be worth it.
If something comes up that you automatically want to push aside, give to someone else, or immediately turn down, take a second to really think about it and give it a try! Do all you need to do to learn as much as you can, practice as much as you can, and give yourself some grace along the way. No one is ever an expert at something automatically - it always takes effort, commitment, and consistency.
Now go out there and see limits as a challenge instead of a barrier. If you see limits from a growth mindset, you will be limitless and will watch your leadership and your personal development grow right before your eyes. It will not only change your leadership for the better, but it will also change you for the better; which will then help those you encounter on a daily basis.
Be limitless and you will always grow as a leader!
- Dean
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