The Consequences of Leaving Employees Behind: A Recipe for Disaster

Jul 03, 2024

Every organization has its share of problem employees, but have you ever stopped to consider that sometimes the root cause lies not with the employee, but with the organization and its leaders? I know this sounds foreign to most of you. I can hear some of you saying, "As a leader, I don't cause problems, I fix them". Yes, in theory and in application this is true, but the truth is, we do cause problems. Our everyday actions as leaders creating change, giving direction, and holding people accountable can result in leaving people behind. It may not be intentional, but it happens. From my experience, when employees feel left behind, they can become disengaged, resistant to change, and even problematic. In this blog, we'll explore the consequences of leaving employees behind and provide tips on how leaders can avoid this pitfall. 

The Causes of Being Left Behind

One of the primary causes of being left behind is resistance to change. When organizations evolve and grow, some employees may struggle to adapt, leading to feelings of being left behind. Additionally, lack of motivation, low performance, and inadequate training can also contribute to this phenomenon. People can lose motivation to be high performers when they don't understand the "why" of change. 

The Consequences

When employees feel left behind, they typically react in one of two ways:

  1. They stop or slow their work performance and the result is a drag on the organization. Sometimes they actually quit taking their skills and experience with them.
  2. They become problem employees, causing tension and disrupting the workplace. They drop anchor and stop moving forward which virtually impacts everyone. 

We can avoid this if we are aware it is occurring and if we take the time to realize the impact on everyone and take steps to resolve it. Let's explore a few simple tips to avoid leaving employees behind, leaders can:

- Communicate effectively, involving employees in change initiatives

- Provide training and development opportunities to enhance skills

- Recognize and reward employees for their contributions

- Encourage open feedback and address concerns

- Foster a culture of inclusivity and support


Leaving employees behind can have devastating consequences for both the individual and the organization. By recognizing the signs and taking proactive steps, leaders can create a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and engaged. Remember, no one wants to be left behind – let's work together to create a workplace where everyone thrives!

- Dean

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