The Importance of a Check Sixer

May 01, 2024

In the world of aviation, "check six" is a crucial phrase that reminds pilots to check their blind spot, which is the area behind them that they cannot see. In life, a Check Sixer is someone who helps you identify your blind spots, looks out for your best interests, and provides support when you need it. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of having a Check Sixer, tips on how to be one, and how to find one for yourself.

The Value of a Check Sixer

A Check Sixer is more than just a friend or a colleague; they are a trusted ally who:

- Provides honest feedback and constructive criticism
- Offers a fresh perspective and new ideas
- Helps you navigate challenging situations and decisions
- Supports your growth and development
- Keeps you accountable and motivated

Tips on Being a Check Sixer

1. Be Honest and Transparent: Share your thoughts and opinions openly and respectfully. Being mature in sharing help and advice is key to making sure the message is well received.
2. Listen Actively: Pay attention to what others say and show that you value their input.
3. Be Proactive: Anticipate potential problems and offer solutions.
4. Respect Boundaries: Know when to offer advice and when to let others make their own decisions. This is tricky. We don't want to over share our thoughts and opinions. Balance is key.  
5. Follow Through on Commitments: Be reliable and dependable. Keep promises and commitments. If you say you're gonna do it, do it. 

Finding a Check Sixer

1. Identify Someone You Trust: Look for someone with integrity, empathy, and a willingness to help. I can not over state the importance of trust and the sharing of information. Never over share until trust is thick.
2. Seek Out Mentors: Find experienced individuals who can offer guidance and support. This is hard to do because you have a need and sometimes it is difficult to ask for help, but don't let that stop you from finding the right person.
3. Join a Community or Network: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and goals. Networking is a great way to find who is personally growing. Someone who understands the impact of personally growing will be your best Check Sixer.
4. Be Coachable: Show that you value feedback and are willing to learn from others. Being coachable is a key element of receiving feedback in a positive way.
5. Reciprocate: Be a Check Sixer for others and build a supportive network. There is no better way to get better than to help others. It will create a commitment to service that cannot be ignored.

In conclusion, having a Check Sixer in your life can be a game-changer. By being a trusted ally and finding someone who looks out for your best interests, you'll gain a fresh perspective, navigate challenges with ease, and achieve your goals with confidence. Remember, being a Check Sixer is a two-way street – be willing to give and receive support to build strong, lasting relationships. Using a Check Sixer has proven to be extremely valuable and effective in my leadership journey. Trust me, they will help you reach the top of your leadership game!

- Dean

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