What You Permit, You Promote: A Leadership Lesson for Everyone

Sep 18, 2024

As a young police chief, I was fortunate to learn early on that the small things matter. I came into the role with a strong sense of self discipline, but I didn't fully appreciate how critical it was to maintain high standards at every level—until I witnessed firsthand the ripple effect of even the smallest compromises.  

It didn't take long for me to realize that “what you permit, you promote”. The saying might seem simple, but the meaning behind it is profound. If you let minor things slide, it's not just that you've let something slip—what you're really doing is sending a message to your entire team. The moment you allow lower standards to persist, you've owned them.

In my early days as chief, although I was very inexperienced, I tried to address even the small issues: tardiness, sloppy paperwork, and any sign of a lack of professionalism. I knew that these behaviors, if ignored, would only compound. And that's where I learned one of the most powerful lessons in leadership:

"Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others." - John Maxwell

By trying to hold folks accountable early, we were able to begin to build a culture of excellence. The team knew that we wouldn't overlook even the minor infractions, and as a result, they started holding each other accountable, too. The small problems still existed, but they were addressed more rapidly. Over time, our team's performance improved greatly.

Tips on Holding People to High Standards 

In law enforcement, every action counts. As leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure that high standards are not only set, but upheld. Here are a few key strategies that I have found essential for promoting a culture of accountability and excellence:

1. Be Relentless About the Details 

Don't let small issues slide. Something as minor as showing up five minutes late can quickly become a habit if it is not addressed. Your team will respect you more when they know that you care about every aspect of the job, no matter how small. Remember, "The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.” - David Morrison. 

2. Communicate Your Expectations Clearly 

You can't hold people accountable if they don't know what is expected of them. Be clear from the outset about the standards you expect, whether it's punctuality, reporting quality, or the way your team interacts with the public. If your expectations are vague, you will never achieve consistency.  

3. Provide Immediate Feedback 

Don't wait for annual reviews to address performance issues. Give real-time feedback, both positive and constructive. When someone falls short, let them know right away and make it a teaching moment. The longer you wait, the more entrenched that behavior becomes.

4. Model the Behavior You Expect 

Your team is watching your every move. If you show up late to meetings or let things slide in your own work, don't be surprised if your team follows suit. Lead by example—your actions will set the standard. As the saying goes, "Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge.” - Simon Sinek. 

5. Reward Accountability

Just as you must address poor performance, you should also reward those who uphold the highest standards. Recognition is a powerful motivator. When your team knows that excellence is celebrated, they will strive to meet those expectations. Rewarding high standards reinforces the culture you want to build.  

Our department thrived because the team knew we wouldn't settle for anything less than our best, every single day. This wasn't about being harsh or being overly strict—it was about setting a standard that said, "We are professionals, and we will always act accordingly.” 

When you lead with accountability and hold the line on standards, your team will rise to meet your expectations. It's not just about correcting mistakes; it's about building a culture where excellence is the norm. Remember, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” - Booker T. Washington.  

Final Thoughts 

In leadership, especially in law enforcement, the small things matter more than we often realize. What you permit, you promote—and this truth plays out every day in the actions and attitudes of your team. By addressing issues early, setting clear expectations, and holding yourself to the same high standards, you will create an environment where accountability is not just enforced—it is embraced.  

So as you lead your teams, ask yourself: What are you permitting and how is it shaping the culture you're building?

Keep pushing forward, hold the line, and never forget: leadership is about the standards you enforce, both in others and in yourself. 

 - Dean

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